Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Jacob's "Seven Habits"

Jacob had his "Seven Habits" essay chosen for the month of February.  It was displayed for the whole school so, naturally, I had to embarrass him by taking a picture.....

and he had to embarrass me by picking his nose. Awesome!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Here's Will

Part Lab, part Basset Hound, part.....Prairie Dog?  We're not sure. 

Perfect weather for shorts

Jacob thinks that any weather is perfect for wearing shorts.  Today, however, he added long black socks to keep his legs warm. 
You know what else will keep your legs warm Jake?   PANTS!!!

Tubing at Slodier Hollow

On the 19th we took the family tubing at Soldier Hollow.  It is the ONLY way to go tubing in my opinion.  You get on your tube and the tow rope pulls you up the hill.  We made several trains about 10 people long.  Our friends the Madills joined us.  Then we headed in to Park City for some yummy dinner.  Perfect way to spend some quality family time. 

First Timers!

So, I've been introduced to the blogging world by several friends who use their blog as a family scrapbook.  Since I don't scrapbook, keep a journal, or put pictures in a photo album (if I remember to take pictures at all), I thought I would give blogging a try.  Wish me luck!